Application template
Coursework / Client work

Summary: This project was made for Savonia Yrityksille – Design Center. Design Center offers design services for their clients, for example UI and UX design. This project was made together with Nea Söderholm. We designed three different mobile application templates together. Alongside client work this was also coursework for school.

Problem: Design Center had need for mobile application templates, which they could use in their client meetings. From these templates, the clients can select features for their own applications. The challenge was to identify features for the templates that would be suitable for clients from various industries.

Solution: With meeting and interviewing we got information about Design Center's clients and their working fields. Benchmarking helped us to identify important application features for Design center's clients working fields. With affinity mapping we were able to create three different types of applications: a company intranet (B2B), an employee tool (B2B), and a service application (B2C). We made prototypes of the applications and used Savonia Yrityksille brand identity in them.
The service application template (B2C) was entirely my responsibility. I designed the application template into an online store where users can make bookings for unspecified services. The application template includes features such as homepage, category page, service descriptions and reviews, appointment scheduling and calendar, shopping cart and payment processing. This online store can be used without logging in or registering.
Prototypes were sent to Design Center for further use.

Team: Henna Leinonen and Nea Söderholm.
Learned: Teamwork, working with client’s brand identity
Programs: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Design methods: Benchmark, affinity mapping, user flow, wireframes
Efficiency mapping
Efficiency mapping
User Flow
User Flow
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